The latest version of TERMS has been released. The highlights of this release are: Allow Multiple Web Survey Saves by Same User As suggested by the title an option has been added on a per survey basis to allow the same person to record multiple responses to a survey. Activity Type/Category for Analysis Categories A request to be able to set the Analysis Categories 1-4 to hold Activity Type or Activity Category in addition to the options for Activity Group, Primary...
We have been successful for Gloud-14 and our updated services are now available on the Digital Marketplace TERMS Evolution Direct For users that only require ILR data entry, analysis and reporting. TERMS Evolution Standard A fully feature rich Adult Education MIS product for smaller users. TERMS...
The latest version of TERMS has been released. The highlights of this release are: Automatically Assign TL Outcomes A utility has been added to automatically assign an outcome value matching the purpose for codes 1-5 and to choose if an outcome value should be recorded for purpose 6.Course Directory Export Updated The Course Directory Export has been enhanced so that the Attendance Pattern better reflects whether the course start time is in the evening rather than...
The latest version of TERMS has been released. The highlights of this release are: ILPs – Full Release Following on from the last quarter’s evaluation release the ILP Forms have now been fully released. Add online register tutors manually Tutors can now be added directly to an online register without the need to rebuild the registers. This is done through the Update Online Register screen and adding staff in the Allow Tutors tab. Care Leavers An option to denote a...
At the end of August we will be closing down two of our regional admin numbers, as they are no longer required with the switch to full VOIP. 01284 290100 01228 340100 Our main admin number remains the same - 08712 342499
The latest version of TERMS has been released. The highlights of this release are: 2024/25 Funding Changes It’s that time of year when changes start appearing in the system for the upcoming 2024/25 funding year. A lot of changes have taken place behind the scenes with changes to the build process for 24/25 surveys but the visible changes so far include: New Funding Model Codes Funding Model 11 – Tailored Learning This code effectively replaces Funding Model 10...
We've jsut updated our online training videos, the full list is: Building an ILR Return Creating a Report CRM Feature Getting Started with Moodle Getting Started with TERMS Getting Started with Web Surveys Introduction to Security Introduction to Web Features Learner Progression Maintaining Users and Security Profiles Merging ILR Surveys Powering Web Courses Proof Uploading Registration Triggers Study Aim Targets TERMS User Maintenance Transferring data to Moodle...
The latest version of TERMS has been released. The highlights of this release are: Activity SMS Log There is now an option off the main Activity Options menu to view the SMS log for an Activity. This will start showing Activity SMS messages sent after this release has been installed. Bulk Messages in People Menu The Bulk Message Centre can now be accessed from the People Menu People options. A security point has been added to control user access. See the Security section...
There will be some maintenance being performed on the TERMS main servers on Saturday 18th November between 3:30am and 7:00am. We do not expect there to be any disruption to services.
The latest version of TERMS has been released. The highlights of this release are: FIS Validation This is feature has been extended to include automatic and manual validation of ILRs directly from within TERMS. Planning Sheet Updates There is an update to the planning sheet for Q3 23 with extra fields for Forcing Full Funding and setting the LDM value. Programme Aim Dashboard This replaces and expands the old Apprenticeship menu. It gives quick access to...
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