TERMS Q4 2016 Released

The latest version of TERMS is now available with several new features and important updates. The updated can be downloaded from the Community Area.
SMS Integration

SMS messages can be sent direct from TERMS if you have a Kapow SMS mail account.

Web Survey Links for Activities

A default survey URL can be specified for the system. This can be overridden at the Activity Type level and further overridden at the Activity Information Sheet level.

Academic Progression Screen

New: Year 2 Groupings

The Academic Progression Screen now allows the year 2 numbers to be grouped by Learning programme or SSA Tier 1 as well as the original grouping of Learning Aim Level. This was added to make it easier to see the general learning areas or types of learning that learners had progress to.

Activity Funding Summary

New: Actuals

A summary of funding income and actual income has been added to both the Update Activity and Update Program Screens

New: Bulk Activity Copy

A utility has been added in maintenance that will create a copy of the selected group of activities.

Activity Info Sheet Quick Print

The information sheet for an Activity can now be printed from the Activity Menu without needing to go into the Activity details.

Result Screen changes

The reference field on the result screen now holds 50 characters.

A new "Processed Date" field has been added as well.

Provision Planning Tool

New: Annual Parameters

The parameter screen accessed from Planning Dashboard now acts as the default values to use for all planning years but these values can now be set for an individual planning year e.g. different tutor rates for different years.

New: EAS and Funding Targets

Values can now be set for Earnings Adjustment as well as Income targets for Funding and Non-Funding income. These are used in the summary screen accessed from Browse Planning Provision where you can see how close actual values are towards these targets.

New: Actuals

If you import funding from the FIS and/or charge for courses you can now see summaries for actual income and funding against the activity in both the provision screens and the administration screens.

Actuals also show in the Summary screen.

New: Hourly Funding Rates

The default funding rate for an aim can be specified against each course to cater for programme weightings. The funding rate can also be set as hourly rate for a set number of hours per start.

FM36 Learning Agreements

The Learning Agreement screen can now be called if required for the new Apprenticeship Funding Model (36).

ILR Build Changes

Planned/EEP hours of 0 are only written out to ILR files if the learner has learning in the current funding year.