TERMS Q4 2024 Released

The latest version of TERMS has been released.
The highlights of this release are:
Allow Multiple Web Survey Saves by Same User
As suggested by the title an option has been added on a per survey basis to allow the same person to record multiple responses to a survey.
Activity Type/Category for Analysis Categories
A request to be able to set the Analysis Categories 1-4 to hold Activity Type or Activity Category in addition to the options for Activity Group, Primary Tutor, SSA Tier 1, and SSA Tier 2.
Enforce Minimum Age for Enrolments
A system option has been added to the Update Site Parameters screen, that if ticked, will stop enrolments for any learner whose age is below the Minimum Age for Registrations value set on the Activity Type of the activity being enrolled onto. 
This will also be enforced for online enrolments if switched on and a message will be show to the person if they are below the required age.
A message will appear to the user who is trying to enrol the learner to warn them that the learner cannot be enrolled.
Extra Email Tags
The following email tags have been added to the Web Receipt and Admin Issued Registration Confirmation templates
FIS 24/25 Funding Value Import Beta
Any users who would like to test the importing of funding information from the ESFA FIS please get in touch via the Support Desk.
Internal Subjects for Activities
A new set of maintenance screens have been added to administrate Internal Subjects. Internal subjects are a simple text-based way of linking different courses so that a check can be made at the point of enrolment to see if a learner already has an enrolment on another course with the same internal subject within a defined period of days e.g., a year. If this is switched on a check will be made to see if the learner already has an enrolment for a matching subject within the user-defined number of days e.g., 365. 
If a match is found a message will pop up for the user to let them know the learner already has been enrolled on this subject before and the enrolment isn’t allowed.
The check is only made if the functionality has been switched on in Site Parameters and activities have internal subjects set against them i.e., if an activity doesn’t have an internal subject set enrolments will always be allowed.
This can be applied to any activity but is intended to help stop learners from repeatedly enrolling onto the same style or type of courses to stop those courses from becoming “clubs” or to help learners enrol onto courses of a particular type or style they have not done before.
See the New Screens and Functionality in the main release notes for more details of the new screens.
Study Aim Target Enhancements
Some changes have been made to Study Aim Targets to enhance the functionality around them.
Save the default collated stats groups to calculate
New report view: Study Aim Target Collated Stats (for batching)
Save default set of collated statistics groups to calculate
A new tab has been added to the Update Study Aim Target screen showing the list of reporting groups available in the Collated Stats screen when accessed via the Stats button on the Update Study Aim Target screen. 
The other reason this new tab was added is that it enables collated statistics reports to be added to the report batch and emailed to selected recipients as the collated statistics process can now know which groups to calculate. 
New report view: Study Aim Target Collated Statistics
This reporting view works by setting a filter for the Study Aim Targets you want to be report on. The report process then generates each of the selected default collated stats groups for each Study Aim Target found in the filter for the report. 
Allow Multiple Web Survey Saves
An option has been added to the Update Web Survey screen to allow multiple responses to a survey by the same user.
Analysis Categories 1-4 enhanced
To help with reports generally and analysis in the Study Aim Target and Collated Stats screens Analysis Categories 1-4 can now be set to be Activity Type or Activity Category in addition to Activity Group, Primary Staff, and SSA Tiers 1 and 2.
Employer Code 
Employer records can now have an Employer Code set against them. This will be generated automatically for new Employers but can be overwritten with a user defined value as long as the new code is unique. Existing Employer records will have their code set to the EDRS number if unique or a numeric code if not.
Exclude Workforce Data Record
The functionality to exclude an individual workforce data record from the export has been added. There is no 24/25 desktop tool to verify the export (Jan 2025).
Extra Study Aim Derived Fields
Extra fields have been added to the Study Aim Derived table for reporting and filtering.
Aim Type Detail 
shows component details e.g. FS Maths, FS English, etc.
Hybrid End Date
Learn Aim Title 
shows the LARS title of the aim, framework, or standard.
See the Reports and Reporting section for more details.
Ignore ILP for (web) Programmes
The option to exclude a programme from ILPs has been added to the Update Programme screen on the Web tab of Parameters. This will stop the ILP button from appearing on the web to Tutors and Learners of the programme.
Internal Subjects for Activities
The ability to maintain internal subjects and set one against an activity has been added. This enables the ability to stop learners from re-enrolling on the same type of course within a defined time period; to stop CL style courses from becoming “clubs”.
See the main release notes for more details.
Invoice Authorisation Option
An option has been added to the Accounts Parameters to require invoices to be authorised before payment.
LA Study Aim Reports
A new reporting view has been added that shows the Study Aim associated with a Learner Agreement. 
PIN can skip pre-assessment
Activities that require learners to book a pre-assessment now have an option to allow learners to skip this booking requirement if they have already been assessed and the assessor has issued them the course’s PIN.
If the option is ticked the learner will be asked if they have a PIN before selecting the assessment times, if they say yes they will be taken to the enrolment page to use the PIN otherwise they will be asked to select an assessment date and time as normal.
Reset Delivery Monitoring Codes
A button has been added to the Update Activity screen on the Funding\ Delivery Monitoring tab which will run through all registrations and associated study aims to reset the values of the Provider Specified Delivery Monitoring fields A-D.
Tag Files For Delete
The Manage User Files screen now allows individual files to be tagged and now has a Delete Tagged files button.
The full details are available via the Support Forum