The latest version of TERMS is now available. The highlights of this release are
Additional Online Resources Links
Links to additional resources for individual courses, along with a description/title, can be specified in the main Thread for an activity. Any resources specified will be presented to the learner online in the course detail web page.
Auto-sign Learner Agreements
Two options have been added to enable automatically sign LA for web enrolments. There is an option for Auto-sign Community Learning courses and one for auto-signing Fully Funded courses.
Browse Award Lists
You can now create lists of awards that can be loaded into the list of Allowed Awards found on the Update Activity Qualifications tab.
Course Directory Online Venues
An option has been added to the Course Directory Export to set the export venue as online if the postcode is ZZ99 9ZZ.
Highlight Person Option
A “Highlight Person” option has been added to the Update People record which, when ticked, will highlight the person in orange on the People Menu.
Load Allowed Award Lists
You can now create and load a standard list of awards in the Allowed Award list in Update Activity. Allowed Awards are the qualifications/results that tutors are allowed to assign to learners in the online registers.
Modular Web Enrolments
This feature allows a learner enrolling online onto a course to quickly select the course’s modules that they want to do. The modules are not visible until the learner enrols on the relevant course.
Online Course Meeting Details
Allows the details for an online meeting using Zoom, Google Classroom, Moodle, or Teams, to be recorded against a Programme. Learners enrolled to the course will be able to see and access the link from their web accounts.
Online Events Flag
An event can now be marked as being Online. This informs the web site that a course has lessons that are an online event though the course itself isn’t e.g. Blended Learning.
Planning Sheet changes
The latest Planning Sheet enables a Standard Award List to be specified for Allowed Awards. This will be loaded when the Activity is created.
Provider Details on Receipts
An option has been added to the Accounts Parameters screen to “Use Provider On Receipts” which will add Provider details to all admin and online receipts.
Reason for Session Replacement
If your previous session was not closed properly and you log back into TERMS within 2 hrs you will be asked to optionally give a reason why.
View Register from Browse Registrations
The on-screen register can now be accessed from the Browse Activity Registrations screen. Previously you would have had to close the registration browse and open the Browse Programmes screen to access registers.
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