The highlights of this release are
Activity Subcategory HTML
Up to 2000 characters of HTML formatted text can now be entered as an ‘overview’ description for the particular subcategory of Activities.
Automatically Assign Study Targets
Study activities can now be automatically assigned to a study target based on a combination from Provider, Activity Group, and Activity Type.
Bulk Message Centre From Address
The email “From” address can now be changed from the default.
Bulk Message Centre Security
A new security point has been added (default level 5) to control user access.
Collated Stats Updated
The collated stats screens have been updated with In-year Achievement – passes / (With result + withdrawn) – and In-year Success – In-year Achievement * retention - rates added.
The relevant reporting views have also been updated.
Different Funding Area Indicator
A new flag has been added to the people reports denoting that the learner’s postcode does not fall in the funding area set within Site Parameters.
The value is not stored but calculated at the time of reporting.
New Bulk Message Centre Options
Once the recipient list has been built up there are options to stop Emails or SMS messages from being sent out.
New Field: Max Fee
This holds a fee value for learners who do not qualify for any funding under ESFA rules.
New Reg. Report sorting fields
Registration Year, Registration Month and Registration Weekday have been added to vRepRegistration to make monthly reporting of enrolment numbers easier.
The values are based on the enrolment date of registration field.
New Planning Field: Max Fee
This holds a fee value for learners who do not qualify for any funding under ESFA rules. This field also appears in the Planning Sheet.
New Planning Field: Target Places
Target places can now be specified separately from planned starts. So a course might have places of Max=15, Planned starts=12, and Target =8.
This fields appears in the Planning Sheet.
New Waiting List Reporting View
A new view has been added enabling reports on waiting lists to be generated.
Update Study Activity Redesign
In line with all the changes to the Planning system this screen has been redesigned to fit all the new fields in.
It loosely follows the organisation of the Planning sheet and import screens.