TERMS Q3 2018 Released

The main highlight features of this release are:
Automatically email D&P request
A process has been added to email learners automatically when they are due to be asked about D&P.
Blank Planning Spreadsheet
An option has been added to the import planning screen to create an empty planning spreadsheet for inputting into.
Email Priority Thread Notifications
An option has been added to user records to only email notification of updates to threads marked High/Critical priority.
Employer Agreement ID
This has been added to both the relevant reporting views and screens.
Low Wage Option
A checkbox option to indicate a learner is on a low wage has been added to the Learner Agreement screen. This will generate the LDM363 code against the Learner in an ILR.
Normalise Name and Addresses
A routine has been added in the utilities tab of the maintenance screen which will run through people and addresses and ensure they are capitalised correctly.
Option to not set UK Residency
There is now an option in Site Parameters to stop the Learner Agreement from automatically setting the “Resident UK” checkbox.
Planning Import
Extra fields have been added to the planned provision import such as course code; most relate to the web publishing side of things.
Planning Activity Creation
The process that creates admin activities from planned activities has been enhanced to create timetables, add staff registrations and include web publishing details.
Reporting views updated
Various reporting views have been updated with new fields.
SIR Export revived
The Staff Individual Record export has been revived for the 17/18 year in line with the current specification.
SMS message length increased
The length of SMS messages has been increased from 255 to 400 characters.
Surveys and FQP Withdrawals
The Funding Qualifying Period withdrawal field (automatically calculated) has been added to list of filter fields available when building surveys to make it easier to include or exclude those learning aims.
TERMS Goldmine Reference Manual
A new manual has been created for our Goldmine users which details how to use the product and what reports/exports can be produced etc. Thanks to Software Solutions for providing the information.
ULN RESOLVED batch files
The ULN batch file import process will now accept RESOLVED files from the LRS service.