When the registers are built for online access by tutors/staff, there are several checks made to ensure that individual registers and learners should be included. This is an overview of those checks and is intended to help explain why a particular learner or course has been excluded from the build.
Step 1. The first step is to calculate the date range for the processing:
- A Start Date is calculated from the current date less the number of days to check back within the web settings
- An End Date is calculated from the current date plus the number of days to check forward within the web settings
Step 2. To be included within the checks a each Activity/Programme:
- Must have a Primary Member of Staff
- The Programme Start Date is on or before the End Date
- The Programme End Date is on or after the Start Date
- The Activity must not be set to exclude from the build
- The Programme must not be set to exclude from the build
- The Programme must not be marked as a Programme Aim for Funding
NB: the date range calculation above means that Programmes which have a start and/or end date within the range will be included.
Step 3. For each Activity/Programme the Registrations are checked in turn to see if they can be included on the registers:
- Ignore if cancelled and they are not to be included as indicated by the web settings
- Ignore if cancelled and marked as not attending (i.e. no final date)
- Ignore if completed and they are not to be included as indicated by the web settings
Step 4. Final checks before building the register
- If no registrations were found then the register is not built
- If at least one register already exists and published as being edited for the Activity/Programme then the new registers will not be built or refreshed
- If a course is skipped at this stage then it will be recorded in the log
Article ID: 55, Created: December 2, 2020 at 2:49 PM, Modified: December 2, 2020 at 3:38 PM