There are a few things to configure for this service, but once configured the Learner will be sent automated emails requesting them to come to the web site and complete their D&P details.
As an automated service this has many advantages. For this service to work you will need ...
Press Change on this and you will see the Subject and body text for the email.
Once you are happy with the email, press OK to save.
In the bottom right enter the parameters ...
Request days after Actual End
Normally this is set to between 14 and 30 days, as it gives time for the course to be extended if necessary. Whatever you enter here will determine how long TERMS will wait after the Actual End Date before sending the first email
Repeat after how many days
If left blank then the emails will not be repeated, but if set (e.g. 30 days) then Learners that have not completed D&P will get reminder emails until they "drop off".
Inc FM 10
Is an option to include Funding Model 10, which does not require D&P but some authorities still collect it.
Maximum days to search backwards
If the Actual End Date is older than this then Learner will be skipped. This stops previous years being included and 90 days is the norm.
3. Finally set the batch running time
Still within Site Parameters, switch to the Batch Processes Tab
Put in a start/end time for running the batch (this will be the time the email goes out). We would suggest making it at least 30 minutes between the start and end time. Ticking the "Batch D&P emailing is active" will switch the whole process on.
4. Quick Test
Edit a Study Learner and switch to the Destination and Progression Tab.
Here you can see the last D&P recorded, but there's also a tick option to force the D&P request to go out.