Excluding FQP (grace) period withdrawals

To build a survey that excludes learners who withdrew within the Funding Qualifying Period, "Grace" period as it is sometimes referred to, requires some advanced filtering to be used:

When building your survey choose "build new filter" and then either "build new" and then "Advanced" if you have saved filters or just "Advanced" if you haven't.

Paste the following lines into the advanced filter:

SDA:CompStatus<>3 or (SDA:CompStatus=3 and SDA:LearnActEndDate > ( SDA:LearnStartDate +SQL( case when LearnPlanEndDate - LearnStartDate >= 168 then 42 when LearnPlanEndDate - LearnStartDate >= 14 then 14 else 0 end)))

You can save the filter at this point or just "use filter". Build your survey.

To exclude FQP withdrawals from Collated Stats for an already built survey start Collated Stats from the Survey Dashboard and choose "Build New Filter" and then either "build new" and then "Advanced" if you have saved filters or just "Advanced" if you haven't.

Paste the following lines into the advanced filter:

LDLV:CompStatus<>3 or (LDLV:CompStatus=3 and LDLV:LearnActEndDate > ( LDLV:LearnStartDate + SQL( case when LearnPlanEndDate - LearnStartDate >= 168 then 42 when LearnPlanEndDate - LearnStartDate >= 14 then 14 else 0 end ) ) )

You can save the filter at this point or just "use filter".

The key bit in both filters is the SQL() statement which enables the grace period to be calculated for each aim. Both statements are basically saying include an aim if the completion status is not 3 or if it is 3 then only include the aim if it was withdrawn after the grace period finished.


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That SQL statement certainly makes the formula much simpler.
Peter Hancock (April 15, 2016 at 2:26 PM)

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