TERMS Q3 2020 Released

The highlights of this release are
Active Directory Name Export
This will export a list of names allowing Active Directory to assign a standard name for learners accessing Office365, Moodle, etc.

Activity Search and Group Tags
The Update Activity screen now has 4 Search Tag fields with look up tables to ensure data integrity. Values entered in the fields can be used to group activities in reports and also for searching / grouping on the web.

Activity Type Confirmation Emails
Alternative Registration Confirmation emails can now be configured against an Activity Type for Web Enrolment confirmation and Admin Enrolment confirmation. 

Alternative Venue Web Name
Venues can now, like Activities, have an alternative web name to display in web pages.

Browse Registration Objectives
The Browse Registration Progression Objectives screen has been renamed Browse Registration Objectives and modified to show Achievement Objectives as well as Progression Objectives.

Collated Stats Aim Level Grouping
A new grouping has been added for aim level. This option has been added to both ILR and Study Aim Collated Stats.

Collated Stats D+P Counts/Rates
Both ILR and Study Aim Collated Stats now show counts for Aims with D+P, Aims with Positive D+P, Aims with Negative D+P and Aims with OTH D+P along with rates for those counts as proportions of the number of aims with or without D+P.

Collated Stats Calculations Revised
The information collation and calculations behind both ILR Collated Stats and Study Aim Statistics have been revised and enhanced in line with user feedback, support desk requests, and statistics generated by third parties.

Event Duration Warning
A warning will now show in the Activity Wizard if the entered duration is more than 10 hours. 

Registration reports LLDD Function
The registration reporting view now has a function to get a learner’s LLDD values.

New BSI Codes
The new BSI codes for 20/21 have been incorporated into Learner Agreements and the Web Requester. Updates to customer web sites will be scheduled in due course and customers notified accordingly

New Cat and Subcat Key Words 
There is now a key word entry field on both Categories and Subcategories. Any values entered in them will be automatically used by the web pages.

New LA Report Fields
UpdateDate, UpdateSource, UpdateTime, and UpdateUser have been added to the Learner Agreement Reports and Learner Agreement Detail reporting views

New Security Points
There are new security points around replying to threads, and discussion group user administration.

Notify Provider of Online Reg.
An option has been added to the Update Provider screen to enable the provider to have a notification email sent to them when an online registration takes place on one of their courses.

Registration Reminders
Up to three email reminders can now be sent to tell learners that their registration starts in so many days. The number of days before the registration start to send the message can be configured for each of the 3 reminders. The configuration can be done on the Messages Tab of the Update Activity Type screen.

Study Aim Targets
This is a new way to set and track provision targets that is based at Aim and is designed to complement the Programme Level Study Targets found in the Planning Dashboard. The screens allow you to define a filter for a group of aims and set target numbers for the group e.g. starts, leavers, retention rate, etc.

Survey Link D+P Button
A new function on the Survey Dashboard for an individual survey allows aims to be linked with any associated D+P record.

This needs to be used if you wish to see D+P rates and counts in the ILR Collated Statistics.

Withdrawal Warning: LSF
A warning box will now appear to a user if they try to withdraw a registration and the underlying Study Aim has a Learner Support Funding (LSF) record associated with it.

Withdrawal Warning: Result
Warning text will appear in the Unregister screen to say the registration being withdrawn has a result recorded against it.