Establishing a Benchmark Club for 16-19 Study Programme Provision

As part of our Learning offer in Lincolnshire, we deliver an ESFA funded 16-19 study programme for young people at risk of exclusion from education, training or employment. As with other learning, this provision is subject to Ofsted inspection, and judgments on the service are included within our annual Self Assessment Report.
Building on the success of the Community Learning Benchmark Club then I am wondering if there is any merit, or any appetite, in developing a separate Benchmark Club that focuses on 16-19 Study Programme provision. I would be happy to administer the club and to manage the production of the resulting analysis but will need help in identifying what data could, or should be collected and shared for it to be of use to you.
So, if you provide similar provision in your authority and would be interested in getting involved in this new Club then can you please get in touch with me via email at<>
Apologies if you are already a member of the Community Learning Benchmark Club and have already responded to an earlier communication that was sent to you direct.
Look forward to hearing from you
Best Wishes
Sue Bennett
Principal Business Intelligence Officer
Lincolnshire County Council
Lancaster House
36 Orchard Street