TERMS Q2 2017 Released

The latest version of TERMS is now available with several new features and important updates. The updated can be downloaded from the Community Area.

17/18 ILR Build Routines

The build routines for 17/18 ILR files are included in this release ready for the first return deadline 6th September.

Stop using Final Census Option

The final census option should no longer be used for building ILR surveys that will be submitted to the ESFA due to a change in the 17/18 ILR specification requiring completed 16/17 aims without outcomes to be returned in 17/18 ILRs.

Provision Targets

The study planning screens have a new option that allows users to set Provision Targets for groups of provision. The targets available are Starts, Learners, Fee Income, and Funding Income.
Provision Target records can be grouped together for reporting – effectively enabling a contract/target to be split into sub groups e.g. CL funding, ASB funding or curriculum areas or by provider.
The Provision Target screen will show how much of a target has been planned and also how much has actually been achieved.
A study activity can only belong to one target

CL Provision Planning

The provision planning screens can now be used for Community Learning courses.
An option has been added to allow planned funding to be used as actual funding. This allows progress towards block funding to be measured.
The planning screens can now be accessed without needing to initialise the system with funding imported from FIS.

Alternative Key Words

If the alternative web name is used for an activity that will be used to generate web search key words from instead of the internal name.

Common Web Search Errors

A new field has been added to activities where you can store common search errors that relate to an individual activity. For example: For a course called “Decorating Cupcakes” you might enter “cup” and “cake” in the common search errors field.

Browse Log button for activities

A button has been added to the Update Activity screen so you can now see any system log entries relating to that activity.

See the site licence expiry month

You can now see the expiry month for your site licence in the update licence screen.

Tidy up of employment values

Old employment status values have been removed from the relevant screens so the current values are more easily seen.

Work email address added for staff

A work email address has been added for people marked as staff. The register import process will now use this address if entered to email tutors that their registers have been imported.

“Risk Assessed”

The “Private details” tab now has a tick box for “Risk Assessed”. This can also be reported upon in people reports.


The “Private details” tab now has a drop list selection called “Homeless” with the options being “Decline to State”, “Yes” or “No”. This can also be reported upon in people reports.

“Include in ILR year” extended

The drop list of years available on the “Include in ILR year..” has been extended to include 17/18 and 18/19. This allows aims from earlier funding years e.g. 16/17 to be pulled through to a later funding year’s ILR.

Progression Text

A new field has been added to the Update Activity screen to hold a short description of where a learner might progress once they have completed the particular course.

New Reporting View

A new Study Targets reporting view has been added to allow reporting on the new Provision targets.